MJ is a loser
Hey y'all
Just a little update on the last few days. Yeah, I went to see the Da Vinci code on Sunday, despite the awful reviews I happened to enjoy it. Of course it's not as good as reading the book but I think it's definately worth seeing. And they change the ending slightly, which I liked as I felt a little let down by the ending in the book. Can't say anymore in case you plan on seeing it and haven't as yet. And Tom Hanks was good, despite the press, although I am slightly biased as he's one of my favourite actors. However, this case proves my previous recommendation of not looking getting excited about something can make you pleasantly surprised as I was expecting this film to be poor (according to everyone else). But I had to see it even if it was, just one of those things.
Even if the Da Vinci Code was the worst film I'd ever seen (beating some J-Lo thing I walked out of, the Cell maybe?), then I still had my money's worth. Although it's been floating round the internet, seeing the teaser trailer for Casino Royale, the new Bond film certainly made the trip worthwhile. Igor, make sure that note in your diary is in big red ink. I don't care how cute this new girl of yours is, we have a date. But not that kind of date, and why did you call me babe in your comment to the last post? Weirdo. Also Pirates of the Carribbean 2 is out on July 6th, awesome. Yet again, I will expect that to be a big let down so hopefully I'll be proved wrong.
Hmm, I seem to have spent a long time writing about films. Well, I tell you, I'm getting used to writing large amounts. I have finally finished my last two essays for my masters, both had to be 5000 words due this week - GET IN. I spent most of the week cutting over 3000 from my report on Tim Hortons so I'm just full of useless information just trying to get out.
I should really be writing about my speed dating last night but I may leave that till the next time. No, not really. I'll explain all now. My friend Catrin is starting up her own business (I seem to have been saying that for a while now!), organising events such as speed dating so she needed some volunteered volunteers to participate in a dummy run last night. Well, most people there were already in relationships so nothing mattered and it was all a bit of fun.
As promised, Matty came up with some interesting career claims during the night, perhaps he doesn't think being a marketer sounds too interesting. Apparently, I am either an Aston Martin test driver, a writer for the Times who just wrote a piece about a study showing triangular sandwiches taste better than square sandwiches or I work for the Government, deploying troops from the nearby RAF base to Iraq. That last one would have turned into working for MI5 but I'd already told the girl I lived locally, so couldn't pull off working in London. Damn, I really wanted to do that one. Apparently, they all believed me when we were chatting afterwards! You see, the reason people don't go speed dating is they're scared of people like me being there and taking the piss, I really can be a drain on society.
In other news, there was a huge celebrity/soccer legends soccer game this week on tv. Huge hype, they were showing clips from training sessions all week long. I just wanted to say nice on to Sergei Federov for going out clubbing one night and not showing up till the day after the next morning whilst eveyone else was taking it seriously. He's a trooper. You may also notice that despite the title of this post, I haven't mentioned MJ at all. No, I have no news about MJ, I just felt like reminding everyone what I think of her. Harsh.....but fair.
OK, have a great week if I don't speak to you before friday. Then it's London baby! Carolyn & Lauren - I'm pumped, it'll be awesome. Everyone else - you're missing out, See ya!