All I could do was laugh
One of my pet peeves is laziness. Now some people can be pretty lazy:

(Yeah I know I've used this image before but it is pretty funny)
Anyway, last night I headed out to work and got into the lift - remember Dan and I live on the 6th floor of our apartment building - to go down to the lobby. It stopped on 5th floor and some girl got in. Ok fine. She hit the button to go to Floor 6, where I had just come from. Still fine. "It's going down" I said. "Oh that's ok" was the response!
I couldn't believe this - how pathetic must this girl's life be if she has nothing better to do than catch the lift all the way down to 1st and then back up again to 6th? Or did she simply want to avoid the fourteen - yes fourteen - steps that would have taken her up from 5th to 6th in the first place?
Now although laziness aggravates me at times, it infuriates me when I'm lazy as I have no excuses. Hence I can tell you there are fourteen steps to go up a floor in our building as I just went to count them - I don't mind losing 20 seconds of my day if it helps quantify the ridiculousness of this girl. Whilst I'm really not too bothered about her, it has amused me to a great extent since and that's all I can do - laugh at her.
PS. How about this for London buses? You wait ages for a blog post and then two come together!
I hear what you're saying, and agree. I often count the stairs going up to your floor because I'm too lazy to wait for the elevator (there are seventy some. I get it confused with the amount of stairs at the library). On the other hand, maybe she can't use stairs. I know in the past two days, my legs have been killing me and I have been choosing to use the elevator every chance I get. Ouch.
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