Saturday, August 26, 2006

Search Finished....No Pot of Gold I'm Afraid

Yeah I couldn't find the lepricauns in Ireland, or their lucky charms for that matter. However, it has been a fun week as Dublin is a very cool place to visit. I almost feel I'm getting to know my way around that city now and I enjoy its distinctive culture although I'm not able to describe it. But I can describe one or two of the events of the past week using through the magic of digital photography.

This is the River Liffey, flowing through the centre of Dublin.

And Dublin's 'Spike' which as far as I'm aware is a tall thing that sticks up in the air to give some character to the skyline. Doesn't do much else but give 14 year olds something to lean on as they look tough sharing a cigarette.

And a view from St Stephen's Green, one of the biggest parks within a city in Europe. Apparently. Personally, I don't think it's all that big.

This is from within the grounds of Trinity College.

Trinity College is of course famous for housing the Book of Kells. However, you have to pay to see it and I saw it once when I was ten. Therefore I decided it far wiser to take a photo of the sign instead.

Now if you are ever financially challenged and find yourself in Dublin, not a good idea as the price of alcohol is through the roof. However, you can save a euro or two by beating the system. Now James Bond would be proud of this. When we entered the Guinness brewery we were told you can only go into the lifts and to the glass walled gravity bar at the very top if you bought a ticket for 14 euros. (9 for tax dodgers like me). Hmm, something smells fishy and I'm not talking about the contents of Baldrick's apple pie. Last time I visited the Guinness place I never paid a cent and still got up to the bar with stunning views across Dublin. Then I remembered...take the stairs, no one checks for tickets there. Walk up and enjoy the view. Although I must point out they wouldn't let us buy a Guinness up there without our tour tickets but the thrill of beating the Irish security system was a substantial source of adrenalin and the black stuff could wait until it was cheaper back on the ground.

Oh and another cash-saving tip - you may as well visit Dublin in the winter when it's cheaper as winter is exactly the same as the middle of August in Ireland.

But I would advise hiring a tour guide. Ours was shit, considering he is a complete twat. Here is our useless guide maintaining his appearance.

The continuous lack of acknowledgement for those who paid significant funds to visit Niall drove Catrin to photographing this behaviour as she'd never seen anything like it.

What a twat-head. Speaking of twat-heads, I must also point out that this was the first trip to Dublin I have been on in recent years that hasn't involved a game or two of strip poker. Just a coincidence that it was these other occasions were graced with the presence of Lois? What a devious little minx she is.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What's Going On?

Check this link out.

Apparently British passengers protested that 2 Asian men were speaking Arabic on their flight and demanded they be thrown off for safety reasons. Seriously, what is the world coming to?

Following up from my blog last week, I can fully appreciate these people being scared shitless of terrorism. But is it justified that they feel threatened by two Asian men who had gone through airport security? I wasn't there so I don't know. What I do know is that Britain has a significant population with Middle-East/Asian origins and I'm pretty sure they're not all terrorists. Just like not every person in Ireland is not a member of the IRA or every Brit tortures Iraqis.

Uhm, so what happens now? Is it best not to trust anybody and live a defensive life? Or would it be more enjoyable to assume those who mean to cause harm are such a minority that you probably won't ever encounter them so don't worry about it? Maybe somewhere inbetween, to be as vague and uncommitted as possible. Life's weird. I know Igor speaks Arabic so should I buy myself a weapon everytime I want to play table tennis with him? You know, in case he tries to sneak up behind me. I dunno, I really don't.

Anyway, on a more positive and definate note, I'm off to Dublin again tomorrow, woo hoo!

Stay cool.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Niall is a Twat

This is Niall:

Now I apologise that this petty bitch has been a while in coming but I feel it necessary. I lived with Niall for two years in Swansea and had to put up with him being a dickhead 24 hours a day. Seriously, 24 hours a day. I had to put up with him stomping up the stairs and cranking his music up most sunday nights after he'd had a bad night out on top of his singing/fussing over light switches being the right way up/whinging when I'd hide his stuff. He was a nightmare to live with, a complete nob.

And he hasn't learnt! Last week nob-head flew to new york to see christina aguilera. So what did he do, uhm not realise he didn't know Lois' address where he's staying. So at 6.30 in the morning Niall thinks its a convenient time to call me for the address. Of course my phone is left where my Grandma was staying so woke her up and I don't have Lois' address either. So this meant Catrin had to be woken up to help this twat out.

Now I let this one go seeing as I am quite a mellow soul. But not twice! Stop texting me at stupid a clock in the morning with perverted messages - that goes for Queen Twat Burman and Whisky Dan O'Not so Irish.


I would now like to make it publicly known I am not visiting Niall next week (I'm in Dublin Tuesday to Saturday), I am visiting Ciara. She is my best Irish friend now (you're not Irish Dan) and if Niall happens to be there to, well I will only acknowledge you by beating you in chess again. Sorry, I mean kicking your ass in chess again. Twat.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Can't we all just be friends?

Some things suck.

I woke up this morning in a good mood for once following a productive day yesterday and excited for another one today and my first pre-season soccer match this evening. Yeah, that didn't last long. I guess you've all heard how Britain is on a critical alert today which apparently means a terrorist attack is imminent. Bollocks.

As I'm writing now, I understand 21 people have been arrested and police believe they were going to blow up 'multiple' planes over the atlantic. That sucks. Now, they haven't revealed the nationality or any details of these terrorist suspects and to be honest, it doesn't matter to me. What scares me is that innocent families are at risk, who could have been going on their holidays or anything.

The biggest frustration for me is that whoever was behind this alleged attack puts the lives of people who haven't done anyone any harm whatsoever at risk. And I'm not so narrow-minded to forget my country have done this as well, in Iraq, Afghanistan or wherever (just thinking of the last few years!). Or I'm not so self-centred that I haven't thought of those civilians in danger in Lebanon/Israel right now or every single war that has ever been fought. I realise I shouldn't only show concern (i.e. blog) when my life is affected by conflict but it's not a nice feeling I'm having right now and just want to vent a little. In fact, I try to avoid getting too into worldwide events so I don't live my whole life in a state of paranoia.

I know I haven't been directed effected by what happened today and even if the worse had happened, I don't think I would have been immediately effected by that either. But I just don't like something that has nothing to do with me giving me cause for concern. Let me explain.

Last year, when London was attacked by suicide bombers, I was in Canada. I felt horrible at seeing somewhere I am extremely familiar with smashed up and awful for the people in the middle of everything. However, I was able to reflect on how happy I was at that time. I was working a job I thoroughly enjoyed, financially comfortable and socially active. There were no stresses at all living in Wolfville and it was a life I have aspired to ever since. I also realised the benefits of living in Nova Scotia, where, despite terrorism being rife in my home country, I knew it was happening in a different world to me and my family and I were safe.

I realise that sounds pretty selfish and self-centered but I can't lie, I am not particularly interested in global conflicts. I don't believe I hold any serious prejudices against any particular group of people (except women drivers - JOKING!!) and don't go around ranting over who is right and who is wrong in politics, religion or whatever. Maybe I debate about who Manchester United should be buying or who Wales should be picking but really is that the end of the world? Therefore, is it too much to ask to escape from the dangers of the 21st century?

I'm not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone but I know what I'm trying to say and I feel better having got it off my chest. I'm just trying to keep out of way and have fun. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

PS. Remembered what I wanted to say in my last post. Apparently my Great-Great Grandparents are Irish - proper Irish. And so I was wondering Whisky Dan, does that make me more Irish than you?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Things you learn........

Did you know that you have more chance of someone walking up to you on the street in New York City and biting you than you do of being killed by a shark? Seems Lois has settled in quite nicely then.

Found that out watching a really cool programme on sharks last night. This show definately rekindled my ambition to swim with sharks. I wanted to in Australia but didn't find anywhere with the facilities until my last night so that was a bit late. However, I'm quite happy there was this and a few other things I didn't get to do there which makes sure I have some new things to do when I next visit.

Shit, can't remember the other bizarre fact I learnt recently and wanted to share. Uhm...nope, it's gone sorry.

So instead, I'll talk about Igor's birthday which is today. Happy Birthday Igor! I will be hosting a birthday party for Igor this evening, food, beverages and strippers all supplied free of charge and there are plenty of places you can crash if you wish. All are invited. Turn up whenever is convenient for you, I guarantee it'll be more fun than anything in Halifax tonight!

And as I still can't remember that other noodle of information, I'll leave it at that. See you all tonight!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Searching for Inspiration

I find it increasingly difficult to blog when I have very little to discuss. Perhaps this is what it is like to be the Emmj who only blogs once in a blue moon.

See, not much has happened since I got home that is really exciting to chat about. I've spent most of my time doing my dissertation so I can finish it as soon as possible and move on over to Canada. We had a pretty cool 3 weeks over there and it's certainly a life I enjoy. It was extremely rare for Dan and I to sit around doing nothing in our apartment, which is my not my kind of thing. Believe it or not, I always try to think of doing something, anything rather than sitting around watching TV. So I'm excited that from September, so many people will be easily accessible that I can beat at poker, darts, pool, ping-pong, Winning 11/Pro Evo and so on. Or so many bars with friendly (i.e. not afraid of flirting) staff serving dirt cheap wings and beer. I like Halifax.

Unfortunately, various excursions to places such as Halifax can leave one potless when unemployed. Hence this weekend has involved a significant amount of gardening and painting and deciding I shouldn't go to the pub. Really, I didn't go! However, Old School was on TV so that was a fine alternative. See, life really is pretty dull right now! I'm telling you (and you're reading it) that I stayed in Saturday night and watched a film on TV.

I apologise if this blog is slacking today but I have no material! These next few weeks involve a lot of getting my head down and working hard so I'll be able to reason 'I deserved to' when playing hard in Canada. If you do feel the need to stimulate your mind further, may I recommend reading Carolyn's or Lauren's blogs. They've just returned from their European excursions which were certainly enthralling enough and I was lucky to partake in a tiny section. But now Carolyn has posted photos from Rome, one of the places highest on my places to go list and Lauren has summed up the entire trip extremely accurately. Certainly note that I can empathise highly with those who were impressed they chose to visit Eastern Europe (full of Igor's) more than Western Europe (full of me's) and the point about the sheep - there's no smoke without fire!

So do keep on your toes, the moment something interesting happens over here I'll let you know. But for now, you may want to look elsewhere.....