Current Affairs
Sunday - brother Gareth's birthday. Went with the family to the Hilton in Cardiff as a surprise to use the gym, the pool, the sauna (it was like a sauna in there!) and good old birthday meal. Really plush in there, very me, excellent facilities and I particularly liked the coloured lighting and music played in the swimming pool/spa area. I could get used to that kind of life, it was similar to when Dan, Nate and I had our own private spa and sauna in Cronulla. I could have gotten used to that as well. One day, maybe.
So, speaking of the Hilton, it was my first time inside one, boom boom. Now, despite the legacy, it is Paris Hilton, as everyone knows, who is the most talked about member of that family. I know Doctah J thinks she's smoking hot and is a big fan, but I'm yet to be convinced. She was recently introduced at the Brit Awards Ceremony as "You've heard of the X Factor, but here is the Why Factor." When I was in Australia, I read in the paper how Paris Hilton was to do a tour of said country (not sure what she was doing) and her PA had phoned up several restaurants asking if they would like to pay $100,000 for Paris Hilton to dine at their restaurant!
It does amaze me how wrapped up in celebrity today's society can be for someone, who as far as I know is only famous for being stupid and making home videos, would seem to have the arrogance to make such demands. However, then you have to realise, she can make those demands because she is used to that sort of life, being paid thousands to eat out, go to a bar, whatever. Tis a strange world we live in.
In other news, Britain is apparently opening up its national archives to disclose gay/lesbian historical information that was never made public because of its nature. Fair enough I say. Here is an example of one poster never released and it makes me think that other European countries may have had similar propaganda in their past. It would explain why Igor fled his home country.