Dim Balls O Gwbl
Translates to 'No balls at all.' In the news this week, it appears that Jordan, seen here below is to have her breasts reduced after several operations to increase them over the years.

Apparently when she has her silicon implants removed, they will be auctioned on ebay. Ok, but the interesting thing is one bookies has offered odds of 5-1 that they will go for over £10,000. But why have I called referred to someone not having any balls in this post?
Well it refers to me not having the guts to invest in such a bet. Occasionally I have a gut instinct to go for some bets at the bookies but always pull out as I don't like gambling on things out of my hands. But perhaps this isn't such a situation.
If I went down the bookies and placed £10,000 on Jordan's implants, I would win £50,000 plus my original stake if they went for over 10k right? Right. So, what is stopping me doing this and then bidding ten grand on ebay for said implants to ensure they go for that amount and guarantee I win my little bet. Of course, I could also go down the bank, explain the situation to the manager and borrow a million to bet with.
This one has been bugging me for a couple of days. See it just seems like such an easy way to win some big cash but this is the real world so I'm not gonna risk that kind of money on something where there's bound to be a catch. It's kinda frustrating cos you see this kind of thing happening all the time in Hollywood. And then me and Dan could afford that Hooters franchise sooner rather than later!
A bookie would probably kill you if they found out that you screwed them out of all that money.
Here's the catch.
E-bay doesn't work like that.
If the current bid is 1,250.
You can put a MAXIMUM bid in of 10 grand or whatever. But it will only put your bid in as 1,300 or whatever the next step up is.
Unless you have someone else driving the bidding up with you, you wouldn't reach your maximum.
Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.
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