My Guardian Angel
So thanks to Dan, guess who I have watching over me now when I sleep?

Yes, it's none other than Dwight K Shrute, Assistant (to the) Regional Manager at Dunder Mifflin, Scrampton. Anyone reading this from back home, he's the equivalent to Gareth Keenan from the British version of The Office. But it's more appropriate to have Dwight in my bedroom as the American Office is all the rage here due to its awesometicity. It also looks funny and gives me a line at the bars where I can impress girls that I have a twenty-five square foot Schrute in my room. Punchy, no?
So now we have a theme in our apartment for big decorations - check out the Kim Jong Il image Dan created for the birthday party we held in his honour last Saturday.

Oh, I think we let the party kinda merge with Laura's celebrations as it was her birthday last week as well. But we all know who we really care the most about.
You should have been there - we had all kinds of frolics and games. Check out the 'pin the tail on the donkey' facility:

We had to call it 'pin the tail on the donkey' and not 'pin the tail on the ass' as people may have got confused between the two asses.
So thanks to Dan, for my fantastic present last night. And sympathies to him as well as he is currently on the phone to Hewlett Packard. Unfortunately, Dan's computer broke about 2 weeks ago (due to excessive gaming) and after hours of telling them it was broke, they decided he should send it in. This week, Hewlett Packard took up even more of his time (over an hour I believe) when they left a message to say they didn't know what was wrong. Finally the computer got sent back today, with everything still broken. So he has spent the last hour like this:

Seriously, he has been on hold all this time in between redirections. That's HEWLETT PACKARD everybody - boycott them. It's not funny anymore, I can't stand his whining, so please for the sake of your friends, do not buy Hewlett Packard products. Or Medion either, I still haven't forgiven them for screwing me over ever since I went with them four years ago. Four years and they haven't done one thing that hasn't pissed me off. Not good people.