Well happy new year one and all!
As is becoming the norm when I post, I will begin by apologising for not updating you in a while. At least I have a genuine excuse this time in that I was so busy at home I barely had five minutes to myself. Actually, that's not entirely true as I could have created at least a hundred posts during the time I'd space out when Niall was talking about himself - about four days solid.
I think I'll give more detail about specific events over the festive period when I get the photos off Catrin as they'll explain a lot. However, I will say my break was fantastic, although a little sad at times, as I was constantly reminded how wonderful friends, family and Wales are. I'll try not to neglect them as much this year.
But what I can tell you about is the hike Catrin, Sarah, Niall and myself embarked upon earlier this week. Catrin conveniently lives by Garth Mountain, featured in some Hugh Grant film, and climbing it was a good excuse to burn off at least six of the ten million calories that were added over Christmas.

Some parts were a little steep though for some people.
But as you can see, the views are quite spectacular, showing Wales in its true light.

No comments about the wellies please.
Now an interesting fact about Garth Mountain is that it is an artificial mountain. Yeah, a fake mountain. How is that you cry? Well, to be classed as a mountain, Garth needs to be over 1000 feet high. And it is only 998 feet high. So as you reach the peak, you will notice a nipple on top of Garth's breast.

Yeah, 'they' (I don't know who 'they' are) decided to put a three foot high stone thingy on top of Garth so they could call it a mountain. Wow, there are some geniuses in Wales (should that be Geni as in Peni?). Anyway, doesn't matter. Oh, but if you were wondering what the breast that the nipple is attached to actually is, it is one of three burial sites up on the mountain. Spooky. But don't go digging them up - you could be fined and imprisoned.

So, to conclude, I found our little excursion highly satisfying and enthralling. No, it wasn't in the same league as Doctah J's death-defying adventures but it was a step in the right direction. Though this was the closest I could get to the sheep before they ran away - clearly they have some kind of fear of me?!

And I mustn't forget, Niall fell down the hill. I laughed. He's a twat.