I have known for quite a while now that I am extremely lucky to have great friends on both sides of the Atlantic who stick with me even when I leave them for months at a time. Some of the guys I was lucky to live with at uni planned a little surprise party for me my first night back. The surprise was that my buddy Niall was visiting. Niall lives in Dublin (where I'm going in 2 weeks!!) and I hadn't seen him since Christmas so that was cool.
As you can imagine, the wine was flowing and so to were the cards. The guys apparently want to learn to play poker this year and a couple of my other friends already know so I will be able to get some practice in before Australia. They also had bought me a boob cake (from the local grocery store, not a specialist shop), for me to tuck in to. Again, so I can have some practice before Australia - hopefully! (hi jane, say say to your gals would ya?!)
PS. Sorry it's been a while but my parent's computer sucks. I hate it. I don't go anywhere near it until I have to. It takes so long to upload photos so I gave up. I miss my wireless.