last night marked the return of "little britain." this is one of my favourite shows and one of the best british comedies post-1990. it is a sketch-based show made up of stereotypical characters and catchphrases, similar to Harry Enfield or the Fast Show. Brilliantly funny and entirely original, although you can associate every character to some part of life in britain. to all you canadians out there, this show is out on showcase so you should check it out. here are some of the most popular characters:
this is emily howard, the worst transvestite in the world.

dafydd thomas is 'the only gay in the village' of Llanddewibrefi in wales. however, this is not the case and he spends all day tyring to avoid having a 'bit of cock' or 'some bum fluff' as the barmaid, Myfanwy calls it. igor, where are you?

here is vicky pollard, a single mum/teenager who speaks really fast and makes no sense, sometimes to avoid having to answer questions. barry, where i live, apparently has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the UK so i see plenty of vicky pollards every day.

and these are my favourites, lou and andy. andy is in a wheelchair and lou is his carer who takes him everywhere and spends all of his time looking after andy. however, there is nothing wrong with andy, he's just lazy and whenever lou is at the front of the screen, andy goes round doing whatever he wants. my favourite is when he got stuck up a tree and explained this by saying 'i fell out.' kinda derived from many cases of people in britain not working as their state benefits are better than what they'd earn so sit on their arses all day.

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