This one made me laugh. Last night as I was being shown how to make desserts at my new job, my boss asked me to fetch the "squirty cream." i laughed and when i explained how my immature friends reacted to me calling whipped cream that, she was puzzled and didn't find it funny at all. Which made me laugh even more, you guys.

Blog is well written. Dont't stop. Maybe you can make a comment about my frontpage web hosting reseller related blog.
Hahaaaa...squirty cream!
Squirty cream! Remind me to never eat anywhere you work.
another Welshism -
I was sitting in Sociology class and we were discussing "taboos", which are very culturally relevant it seems. One example my prof (who thinks she is "oh-so-cool because she drops the f-bomb everywhere) kept on bringing up was beastiality, and her example was ALWAYS "sheep fucking". MY friend Megan, as you may remember from Dan's deck party is in that class to, and she heard your 'sheep on a cliff' joke, and so we both had a hoot of a time thinking of you everytime my prof brought up sheep-fuckers!
You claim it is called squirty cream and then post a picture where it is clearly labelled as whipped cream.. Bravo.
I had forgotten about your blog Matty, but now I remember and will always be here to catch your inconsistencies.
You can't get anything by me now.
Miss you bud.
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