Friday, November 04, 2005


Depressing week this one, not very exciting I'm afraid.

I've never liked Halloween so won't talk about it any further.

Tuesday, I went to see The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton. It's not great really, I kept checking my watch after about half an hour which is actually nearly half way through the film, it's so short. Yeah, don't bother seeing it.

Wednesday, had a contact lense check (I'm so cool) and played soccer. However, soccer did not go well as I had some problem with my eye so I couldn't put my lenses in and see the ball, which does make a difference.

Thursday, back to the opticians to get 2 pieces of broken contact lense out of my eye. Went to work with the intention of quitting......

Now, the only reason I still work a nearby pub is for the money. I'm not going to lie, I'm greedy about things like that. However, I never intended to work whilst studying at my Masters but liked the idea of being able to pay for my ticket to Australia. Now that's been paid off, I liked the idea of being able to buy things out in Australia. However.....

I plan to get the old chest wig out down under and top up on my tan. I don't want to go on holiday and keep my shirt on all the time (you know who you were in Fundy - Laura!) Therefore, I have been spending some quality time at the gym, making myself look irresistable. I now plan to go circuit training with Lois once a week but mainly to laugh at her, she thinks she's fit, pfft. And work is getting in the way of that and the rugby on Saturday....

So I decided I'd quit. But my boss wasn't there last night. And I ended up enjoying myself. Contrary to belief, I do work hard and am not the worst barman in the world ever - that's Igor, at Sodexho. So I started having second thoughts....

What should I do gang? I need some feedback here. Please reply with a simple yes/no on whether or not I should become an even fuller full time student, spending more time as far as possible from responsibility.



Blogger Laura said...

ha, what's THAT supposed to mean, Matty? Are you saying I didn't take off my shirt enough in Fundy? I'm confused - you and your Welshspeak.

What?! You don't like Halloween? Oh, you would have loved it here! I got to talk to the police and chase little kids and get egged!

4:08 pm  
Blogger M-J said...

I say keep working until you go to Australia, that way you have as much money for the trip. But you can quit before you go and then just worry about school after Christmas. OOOOOOOOrrrrrrr, you could work like mad and pay for my ticket too! And spending money :S

7:49 pm  
Blogger Matty Welsh said...

What would I get for paying for your ticket EmmJ?

And Laura you were right first time.

11:55 pm  
Blogger M-J said...

You would get to see me!

1:38 am  

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