Dreaming of a White Christmas
Big surprise this morning in that I woke up to discover it had been snowing. Wow, big surprise as it never snows where I live. Since we moved in 1994, I can recall 4 occasions when it has snowed since, with the snow melting within a day every time. I think it's because I live so close to the sea and the salt melts anything that does fall. However, the few inches we had this morning still caused over 460 schools in Wales to close today. Honestly, this country goes into such a panic when the white stuff does come although I must admit skipping school back in the day after two or three flakes fell.
Here are some photos I took this morning. You can even see the sea in the top right corner of the last one, which is just below the cliff I live on top of.

In other news, Canada has apparently paid out $2BN to Natives who in previous generations, suffered from 'brainwashing' of sorts where Christian practices and beliefs were drilled into them instead of their traditional language and culture. I have witnessed segregation of sorts in Truro, where Natives stick to certain bars and 'immigrant' Canadians (is that what they're called?) tend to avoid them. I have also been told of various frustrations of Canadians towards the state benefits given to Natives. Far be it for me to pass any judgements but I was very surprised to say the least to discover these events of the past and that Native heritage was not celebrated and acknowledged as part of the diverse cultures we all live in.
Most Canadians don't know the history of First Nations Peoples. It is high time that the government acknowledge publicly that what happened in Residential Schools to Native children was reprehensible and some compensation be handed out.
Most Canadians who don't know the history will simply see this as Natives getting a free hand out. They could not be further from the truth.
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