Dublin is awesome, what a beautiful city. The people are lovely and it is so Irish, they are very proud of their nationality and heritage and aren't afraid to show that. Also, as Dublin is such a tourist attraction, the traditions are emphasised even more. But it was great, you can't move for Guinness I swear.
They have green post boxes!!

They have Tim Hortons, I couldn't believe it!

They have Dub - Lois even said the guy painted on the wall looks like a Nazi, it must be true.

It is difficult to break into the Guinnness factory though.

Unless you sneak round the back

Then have your reward

Oh, and we saw some Irish 'Riverdance-Type' dancers as well, they were pretty cool.

I love that there's Tim Horton's there!
I'm so jealous of your irishness
Ever eat at a mealhall in your boyfriends underware??? I have!!! I'm really happy to hear all the fun that's been going on in the last year. I miss everyone (Igor, Jeffrey, Dan, Dub, MJ, Cole, Adam, Welshie) but will always have the memories close in my heart!
That might be just you Brownie. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have worn my girlfriend's underwear either just in case anyone's wondering. Cole might though
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