Cleaning up after Lois
And where have I been for the past however long it's been since I last posted? Well my brother Gareth has been over in Nova Scotia since last Sunday, sent on a mission from back home to work out just why I live here.
However, he was allowed to take a quick break from his investigation and we decided said break should be in the Big Apple. Or if you want a more accurate nickname, the big traffic jam. It was not our fault we missed check-in for the flight back by 5 minutes, it was the fact the bus journey that had taken 35 minutes arriving in New York took about and hour and thirty five minutes on the way back, after leaving 10 minutes late anyway. Burman, don't say anything about the train. No, seriously shhh. Quiet. It was your fault anyway. Apparently they're renovating the city after the havoc you and your friends caused over the six months binge you went on.
But we did get out of the queues for enough time for some posing.

Nice place New York but weird weather. Look at the view here (photos not edited - I don't have as much time as Dan to spare) when we caught a helicopter ride over Manhattan, compared with how intense the sun was, creating a cool shadow of the Empire State Building.

And I won't even mention how much it pissed down and soaked everyone the one day. Oh, too late. Well, now I've mentioned it, I'll also tell you how I'd giggle at the Noo Yorkers running in the rain holding newspapers over their heads to keep dry. But it seemed quite effective, getting themselves and their papers wet at the same time whereas I was only getting myself wet at any given time.
Despite getting wet, missing a flight and deciding I couldn't live with that traffic system, New York is still very cool. I visited four years ago and have planned to go back since. I wasn't dissapointed, it is still a lot to take in and so surreal looking at things that are usually only ever seen on tv. These last photos are some of my favourite sights this trip, though we do have other photos on Gareth's camera. I expect to receive them before I get any Halloween photos off Dan. Do I go on about that enough?

Looks like fun Matty! I can't wait to go to Noo York. When are you going to visit us? I think we're moving to Calgary next's a fun place!
Man, you two look SO happy to be there. I know both of you can smile, I've SEEN it! Otherwise, I wish I wish I wish I could visit New York too!
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