Laura came to visit Dan and I this weekend. She's an idiot. In her eyes, apparently I look like a famous film star. Mind you she'd had several margaritas by this time and was going to the loo every 25 seconds. Nevertheless, who could I allegedly look like?
Which film star springs to mind? For the past 3 or 4 years I have taken great pleasure in telling people a couple of people have mentioned I look like Ben Affleck. This argument was fuelled further by a taxi driver last year despite MJ's protests and despite the fact I don't agree with the suggestion, I'm more than happy to try and milk any comparisons.

(This is Ben Affleck, not me by the way)
So I wouldn't usually hark on this long about some drunken sprawl of Miss Jones. However, she was extremely adamant that I looked like a certain person and went on about it for ages. Her assertion makes the claim even more ridiculous as she was convinved.
So who is it? I know you're desperate to know who Laura thinks I look like now.
Well. Err, how do I put this? Uhm....Keira Knightley! Yeah really, what an idiot. Keira Knightley? FHM's sexiest woman of the year? Hmm. I can't see it.

As Doctor Evil would say: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright
Thanks Laura
I wasn't drinking when I first said it and I will take that to the grave! And I will still argue my opinion. Seriously. You should have put a picture of her smiling. The smile is smiliar. So is the face shape. Even with those two pictures, you still look more like Keira, only you have bigger boobs (your joke, I know) and she's way less hairy.
I knew there was a reason why I lived with you. I couldn't ever put my finger on it until now.
doctah, stop commenting.
dan and i just got all nostalgic and miss you too much. come back to canada loser!
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