Monday, July 10, 2006


Things are different in Nova Scotia.

1. Cole has grown a chin-strap beard and is a construction worker. He looks like he has just walked out of a Village People audition.
2. Igor has a girlfriend. She's cute, lovely and puts up with him bossing her around. Weird.
3. The bar and restaurant service has become ridiculously bad. Our waitress at Your Father's Moustache only got away with this because she kept showing us her breasts.
4. Ping Pong is the new sport. I think gone are the days of road hockey.
5. Cole didn't try any of Olivier's hot sauce.
6. Gambling is rife, with dollars being waged on anything from magnetic darts to black versus white people at athletic meetings.
7. Igor has golf clubs. As of yet, we're unsure whether or not he knows what they actually are.
8. Igor learnt to cook. However, it was the lack of fluffiness in his omelette that caused Lianna to come 2nd in her race yesterday.
9. It rains here now.
10. Monicer has discovered white russians.
11. The escalating prices for hiring computer games and going to the cinema makes a quiet night more expensive than Saturday night going out.
12. Igor lost his soul patch.

Well, not all things are new. Some things will always be the same.

1. Dan sucks at pool. He just bought a book (yeah, a book) to get better.
2. Dan lives like a slob. He doesn't have a hoover in the apartment, but does have a hairdrier. He doesn't have a microwave either, but has a blender instead.
3. Dan works less than even Lois.
4. Dan is always on the phone/msn-ing Laura. Although she's mostly to blame for that.
4. US gameshows pick the most annoying contestants they can find and complement them with the loudest audiences imaginable. Just what I look for in a gameshow.
5. Canadian commercials are the dumbest in the world.
6. They still haven't imported any decent bread.
7. More girls than guys are into football here. Weird.
8. Ugly girls are not allowed to be waitresses in Nova Scotia.
9. Keiths.
10. Canadians still get amused when you use a different word to what they would use.
11. Magnetic dartboards repel darts from the high point segments.
12. I like it here :)


Blogger Laura said...

Ha - You think the amount of time Dan and I spend on MSN/phone is a lot? WOW! I would say MAYBE text messagin happens a lot, but last night was the first time we had chance to have a real convo! Just be glad you didn't live with him when I went to school in Sackville. Now those were long conversations!

And since when does Dan bet money on magnetic darts? I'd way prefer to pay money than what he USUALLY bets! Geeze. I can't even win if I DO win!

8:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A comment about Cole.
Since the Doctah's Stag, I've seen him once at a random party. As I recall (sketchy I know) all I was able to say to him was "you're the one with soft hair, aren't you". And, I must unfortunately (?) admit, I don't know him well enough to know much more about him.

4:30 am  
Blogger Doctah J said...

It's good to hear that the North Country is still functioning without me. Have a Keiths or two for me Matty.

7:34 pm  

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